Japanese second hand box

Box second hand from Japan, big, beautiful color and can put a lot of thing. Come and visit our shop to get special promotion discount 10% from 20$ but now only 18$. Contact 0966669690 for more information.


Coffee Maker

Coffee Maker second hand from Japan, use with electricity plug 110v, come and visit our shop to get special promotion discount 10% for all the item. Contact 0966669690 for more information.


Glass Chess Set

Glass Chess Set original from Japan, Beautiful and look classy, come and visit our shop to get special discount 10% for all the item. Contact 0966669690 for more information.


Plastic boxes

Like to use plastic plate? or need something to put your cookie? come and visit our shop, we have many plastic box for you to choose with a different price but with 10% discount. Contact 0966669690 for more information.



Japanese lamps

Japanese lamp original from Japan, have 2 type for you to choose, come and visit our shop to get a special promotion discount 20% for all the item. Contact 0966669690 for more information.


New Clock Arrival

Clock second hand from Japan, many style for you to choose, come and visit our shop to get special promotion discount 10% to all the item, each clock have different price. Contact 0966669690 for more information.


Gold Plates

Need something to display at your house? Gold plate original from Japan, some gold plate are represent your date of birth. each item have different price but with 20% discount. Contact 0966669690 for more information.


Kitchen Pots

Kitchen Pots original from Japan, many type for you to choose, each one have different price but with 10% discount. Contact 0966669690 for more information.


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