Wood closet

Wood closet second hand from japan, you not only can hang your cloth but also can put your cloth, come and visit our shop to get special promotion lower the price of item from 220$ but now only 172$ with free delivery. Contact 0966669690 for more information. 



Mirror second hand from Japan, big and can hang on the wall, very clear and can every spot on your face. Come and visit our shop to get special promotion discount 20% from 40$ but now only 32$. Contact 0966669690 for more information.




Table second hand from Japan. can use as a dinning table like a Japanese style, come and visit our shop to get special promotion discount 10% for all the item for new container. Contact 0966669690 for more information.


Stuff Toys

Stuff Toys original from Japan, many style and type for you to choose. Come and visit our shop to get special promotion discount 10% for all the item, each one have different price. Contact 0966669690 for more information.



Table second hand from Japan, can use as a dining table with a 4 chairs sit. Come and visit our shop to get special promotion discount 10% from 30$ but now only 27$. Contact 0966669690 for more information.


New container

New Container arrive, many item for you to choose with a special promotion discount 10% for all the item. Each one have different price. Contact 0966669690 for more information.



Clay cooking pot

Clay cooking pot second hand from Japan, many style and many size to choose, each pot have different price but with a 20% discount, Contact 0966669690 for more information.


Galaxy decored

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